WEBVTT kind: captions lang: en 00:00:21.200 --> 00:00:24.000 Hi and welcome to Online course on blogging. 00:00:24.400 --> 00:00:29.000 This course was created within Erasmus + Programme project MEDIActive Youth. 00:00:29.300 --> 00:00:32.500 In this course we'll be creating a blog using Wordpress platform. 00:00:33.100 --> 00:00:36.100 Let's get started by visiting wordpress.com website. 00:00:36.500 --> 00:00:38.500 Creating a blog has never been easier. 00:00:38.900 --> 00:00:45.000 Once you get to the wordpress.com all you have to do is click on the button "Create a website" and you're on your way. 00:00:47.000 --> 00:00:57.000 Wordpress keeps on making changes regarding the sequence of first steps in creating a blog, but at this moment, "Create a website" button takes you to a page where you can choose a theme. 00:00:57.500 --> 00:01:02.000 We are going to deal with this later, so please scroll down and hit the button "Skip". 00:01:04.900 --> 00:01:07.000 Now, here is something you want to choose carefully. 00:01:07.500 --> 00:01:13.200 Think of the topic you want to write about on your blog and pick keywords that best describe what your blog is about. 00:01:13.900 --> 00:01:20.500 If it is on youth activism, you can type in youthactiontoday or something similar that you come up with. 00:01:27.000 --> 00:01:33.000 What you'll see next is that your blog domain is youthactiontoday.wordpress.com. 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:39.100 In order to keep everything completely free for you, this is the way to go. 00:01:39.700 --> 00:01:44.000 If you wish to have a custom domain without wordpress.com in the address, you have to pay. 00:01:44.700 --> 00:01:47.000 So, let's pick the free option and click "Select". 00:01:49.000 --> 00:01:55.000 Next window also offers levels of pricing, but we're gonna click on "Select free plan" in the first column. 00:01:57.000 --> 00:02:03.000 After that you have to create an account by using your email address, choosing a user name and a password. 00:02:13.000 --> 00:02:15.000 If you already have an account, you can log in. 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:32.500 Now next thing you want to do before we proceed is to check your email and activate your blog by clicking on the button in the email that says "Confirm email address". 00:02:33.200 --> 00:02:35.000 There it is! You created your first blog.